Joy (Red Velvet)

by Lia Fitriani , at

Joy (Red Velvet) - Profile, Fact, Biography, and Photosof of Park Soo Young member of RV

Joy (조이) is a singer from South Korea who was born in Seoul, South Korea on September 3, 1996, Joy was born with the full name Park Soo Young (박수영), Joy has several nicknames, one of which is DoongDoongie, nickname Joy is obtained before the debut, then Joy had little body fat and that's why Joy in calling a DoongDongie. Joy has two younger sisters named Park Ji Young and Park Ji Min. Since childhood Joy had aspired to be a singer, Joy small time also had never won a beauty contest, Joy has a pretty face, many say that Joy is similar to the famous Korean artist, namely Kim Yoo Jung.

Joy or Park Soo Young auditioned SM Global in Seoul, South Korea in 2012, at that time he was still in grade one high school, and he finally accepted that later became a member Trainee SM Entertainment, here Joy learned many things, he also has assisted many by Irene and Seulgi in terms of singing and dancing, other than that according to the information I received, when in Trainee Joy also been helped practiced by Eunhyuk of Super Junior. Joy in Trainee for 2 years and he then debut with Red Velvet in 2014 ago. Joy is an alumni of Seoul Performing Art Joy Hight School and has passed on February 11, 2015 ago, first Joy also in the same class of BAP Zelo.

Red Velvet is a female singer group formed by SM Entertainment, Red Velvet officially debut in 2014 ago, Red Velvet debut with four members, namely Irene, Joy, Seulgi and Wendy. which is then increased by one member anymore and Red Velvet became 5 members, Yeri, Joy, Seulgi, Wendy, and Irene. Red Velvet is Joy plays as Lead Rapper, and before the arrival of Yeri into the group, Joy is the maknae her, Joy was born in 1996 which is the youngest of three members of the Red Velvet others, but since the arrival of Yeri position maknae Joy displaced by Yeri, Joy and Yeri differ significantly in age, which is about 3 years old, was born in 1999 Yeri.

Joy is a member of the Red Velvet most narcissistic, and because of this he has the nickname Queen Of Selca. Before the arrival of Yeri into the group, Red Velvet never done aegyo battle between members, and the winner is Joy.

Joy (Red Velvet) Complete Biography

Fans of Red Velvet Joy is now very much, even Park Jimin also a fangirl Joy, and you probably also one of her fans, and for all of you who are looking for looking for information about Bios and photos of Red Velvet Joy is just get on with it Bios refer to the following details.

Joy (Red Velvet) Profile and Bios

Full Name: Park-Soo-Young (박수영)
Nickname: DoongDoongie (둥둥 이)
Stagename: Joy (조이)
Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea
Date of Birth: September 03, 1996
Occupation: Singer, Dancer
Group: Red Velvet
Position: Lead Rapper, Vocalist, Dancer

Joy (Red Velvet) Complete Facts

Besides Profile Biography of Red Velvet Joy above, here I will also provide information about other Joy, because perhaps many of you are still seeking information about Joy others such as Joy date of birth, the cradle of Joy, Joy age, Joy BBM PIN native, Joy Line ID estate, Joy instagram, Joy facebook account, Joy twitter account, religious affiliations of Joy, Joy residence, Joy home address, Joy lover / boyfriend, Joy height, Joy weight, Joy blood type, any favorite of Joy base stations, and various information about Joy others. So for those of you who still want some information about Joy of Red Velvet please go see Joy of Red Velvet Complete Facts the following.
  1. The original name of Joy is Park-Soo-Young (in the Korean language is written by 박수영)
  2. Stage name of Park-Soo-Young is Joy (in the Korean language is written by 조이)
  3. Nickname of Joy is DoongDoongie (둥둥 이) and Malgeumi (말 그미)
  4. Joy Chinese name is Pǔ Xiu Rong (which in Chinese is written with 朴秀榮)
  5. Joy was born in Seoul, South Korea
  6. Joy was born on September 03, 1996
  7. Currently (2016) Joy has aged less than 20 years
  8. Joy zodiac is Virgo
  9. Joy blood type is A
  10. Joy height is 167 cm
  11. Joy weight is 43 kg
  12. Joy first school in Seoul Performing Art Hight School
  13. Joy graduated on February 11, 2015
  14. Joy has two younger sisters
  15. Joy brother named Park Ji Young and Park Ji Min
  16. Joy once said that he wanted to settle in China
  17. Joy likes meat
  18. Joy often walks alone, shopping, drinking coffee to relieve stress
  19. Many say that Joy's face resemble the artist Kim Yoo Jung
  20. Joy can imitate the sound of Mr. Spongebob Krab Korean version
  21. Joy's favorite number is the number 31
  22. Joy was good at singing songs Trot (ie traditional Korean song)
  23. Joy like the music Daydreamin
  24. Favorite Movies of Red Velvet Joy is a movie titled "The Way Home" and "Transformers"
  25. Role model Joy is Ariana Grade
  26. Joy has a nickname DoongDoongie
  27. This DoongDoongie nickname acquired because before it was a little chubby debut Joy
  28. Joy is also often called by the name Malgeumi
  29. Favorite food of Joy is Chicken and Pizza
  30. Joy like comfortable clothes
  31. Joy like it when being called "Bright"
  32. Joy wants and likes to be MC
  33. Joy has the nickname Queen of selcas
  34. Ideal type of Joy is someone like So Ji Sub
  35. The private collection of Joy is Lip Balm
  36. Joy of the class with BAP Zelo
  37. Joy is very happy with small children or babies
  38. Joy uses perfume "Diptyque eau rose"
  39. Joy was a finalist beauty contest when she was little
  40. Joy has said that he has a habit of daydreaming
  41. Joy is the favorite singer Ariana Grande
  42. Joy hobbies is watching movies
  43. Joy is a member of the group Red Velvet
  44. Red Velvet, namely Joy position as Lead Rapper, Vocalist and Dancer
  45. Joy started to become Trainee SM Entertainment during the first high school class
  46. Joy Global SM audition in Seoul in 2012 ago
  47. Joy is in the trainee for 2 years
  48. Joy is not a member SMRookies
  49. While still in the Trainee, Joy never danced assisted by Super Junior's Eunhyuk
  50. Irene and Seulgi also helped Joy in terms of dancing and dancing while in Trainee
  51. When first met, Joy thought that Seulgi is an easy man to cry, but it Seulgi is a member of the most powerful
  52. When I first met Irene, Joy fear him
  53. Joy has been regarded as his own mother Wendy
  54. Joy often vent to Wendy
  55. Joy calling Seulgi as Ahjussi and Oppa
  56. When members of the Red Velvet was 4, they never aegyo battle, and the winner is Joy
  57. Joy says that Wendy is a member of the Red Velvet who often wore full make up on exit
  58. MV Happiness - Red Velvet, shown is a lip Joy
  59. Park Jimin is her fangirl Red Velvet, and his favorite member is Joy
  60. In the 'We Got Married' Joy paired with Sungjae BTOB
  61. Joy one room with Yeri
  62. Joy Twitter account is **
  63. Joy Instagram account  is ** @redvelvet.smtown @joy_5redvelvet
  64. Joy contact numb. is **
  65. Line ID of Joy is **
  66. Joy BBM Pin real is **

Joy (Red Velvet) Latest Photo Collection

Starting from Profile of Red Velvet Joy until Joy of Red Velvet Facts I have given above, but not feel complete if no Photographs of Red Velvet Joy, so here also I gave Photo Collection of Red Velvet Joy, which is a photograph Joy of many resources on the internet, such as Photos of Joy in MV Red Velvet, photos of Joy From Instagram, Joy Pictures from Twitter, Joy image from Google Image, Pict of Joy on Facebook, and Photos of Joy a variety of other sources. So with this I hope you can get a variety latest photos of  member of Joy, such as photos of Joy Time of Child, Latest Photos of Joy 2016, Joy Photos Without Make Up, Joy photo before the famous, Joy photos when he was young, and photographs of Joy others. Various photos of Joy shared here. Okay here is a Set of Red Velvet Joy Photos, please see-saw

Latest Photos of Red Velvet Joy on 2016
Latest Photos of Red Velvet Joy on 2016

Beautiful Photos of Red Velvet Joy
Beautiful Photos of Red Velvet Joy

Red Velvet Joy Sekies Photos
Red Velvet Joy Sekies Photos

Red Velvet Joy Funny Photos Newest
Red Velvet Joy Funny Photos Newest

Joy of Red Velvet Beautiful Photos
Joy of Red Velvet Beautiful Photos

Joy of Red Velvet Natural Photos without Make Up
Joy of Red Velvet Natural Photos without Make Up

Joy of Red Velvet Selca Photos - Selfie Photos of RV Park Soo Young
Joy of Red Velvet Selca Photos - Selfie Photos of RV Park Soo Young

Joy of Red Velvet Latest Photos Image and Picture
Joy of Red Velvet Latest Photos Image and Picture

Red Velvet member Joy Latest Photos
Red Velvet member Joy Latest Photos

Joy of Red Velvet Cute Photos
Joy of Red Velvet Cute Photos

Joy (Red Velvet) Profile and Latest Photos

That's a wide range of information on the profile and photos of Red Velvet Joy I can give, for now this is all that I know about Red Velvet Joy, so this is all that I can give you everything, and although only limited information, but I hope that this article can be useful for many people, enough up here that I can give, I'll see you again with my other articles.
Joy (Red Velvet)
Joy (Red Velvet) - written by Lia Fitriani , published at 3:31 AM, categorized as Korean , Red Velvet
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